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[Mathew 21:43]


GOSHEN- Genesis 45:10; You shall live in the region of Goshen and be near me with your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and all you have AND While other nations are covered by darkness, Goshen will be covered by Light (Exodus 10:22).



During the course of Creation of GOD THE FATHER from the beginning, there are Seven Supreme Voices that brought forth Seven Supreme Seasons. After the removal of the Seven Supreme Seasons, then came a time to institute Real One Supreme Voice, to bring forth One Real Source of Blessing to the whole creation.


Until now, we were all still convinced that Israel, in the Middle East, is still a source of blessing, due to what GOD THE FATHER had told Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3; Isaac in Genesis 26:3-5 and Jacob in Genesis 35:9-15.   As a result of the covenant that GOD THE FATHER had with Abraham and his children who followed after him, no one had ever thought there would be another source of blessing, more than Abraham who the Scripture referred to as the Father of Faith.


Even though GOD THE FATHER had covenants with Abraham which triggered in Galatians 3:29 write               “As a Christian, you are the descendant of Abraham and heir similar to the promises made to Abraham); but no Christian who does it right; has ever inherited wealth from Abraham. The reason for righteous to be poor is because the Salvation of Abraham had been stolen by Lot, that is everything that GOD THE FATHER had promised Abraham was in the GARDEN OF GOD THE FATHER, stolen by Lot in Genesis 13:10.


If you want to understand what was stolen by Lot from Abraham in Genesis 13:10; Read Ezekiel 28:13-15(a) plus Genesis 2:7-15, you will know how Abraham allowed Lot to take everything that was GODLY for his descendants!


In Ezekiel 28:13-15(a), the Garden of GOD THE FATHER (Aden) there were the following:

+    Beauty;

+    Anointing;

+    Oil;

+    Minerals of all kinds;

+    Praise to GOD THE FATHER;

+    Light;

+    Loved than others;

+    Throne of GOD THE FATHER;

+    Power to remove void; and

+    Other good things.


In Genesis 2:7-15 The Garden of GOD THE FATHER on Earth (Eden), had the following:

+    Living Soul;

+    Eternity;

+    Immortality;

+    Glory of GOD THE FATHER;

+    Rivers which were watering the Garden;

+    Star of the descendants of GOD THE FATHER:

    =    Cultivation;

    =    Keeping and livestock;

    =    Subduing;

    =    Increase; and

    =    Owning

+    Mining and Jewelers;

+    Beautiful land with lakes and all kinds of animals; and

+    Many other good things.


All these items of Aden and Eden having been taken by the woman of Revelation 12:1-6. GOD THE FATHER, decided to give Abraham another Garden on the Earth in Genesis 13:10 knowing that he would be careful to keep it.

We were going on pilgrimage in Israel, Middle East and in Medina and Mecca, believing that we have found a source of blessing (not knowing that the source has already been stolen long ago by the world) through Lot!


GOD THE FATHER who has come Himself on Earth, has generated more than the Garden given to Abraham in Genesis 13:10 in the Nation of Tanzania–Goshen.  This is why Tanzania is GOSHEN and source of Blessing to all Nations:  North, South, East and West, to whites, red and blacks.




Source of Blessing

After the fall, in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-6). GOD THE FATHER waited until Abraham was born.  In Genesis 12:1-3 we read that, GOD THE FATHER saw his family and descendants in Abraham.  However, GOD THE FATHER wanted Abraham out of Ur of Chaldea, before He could anoint him a source of blessing.  Because of the existing principalities at that time, Abraham went out with Lot whom he was not instructed to leave with.

1) Abraham was promised in the verses of Genesis 12:1-3 that “whoever shall curse you will be cursed and whoever that blesses you shall be blessed.”  Abraham having left with Lot whom he was not told to leave with by GOD THE FATHER, even when the herdsmen of Lot started fighting herdsmen of Abraham; GOD THE FATHER remained silent.  So, in this case, Abraham was not a source of blessing any more; the power of the voice to be a source of blessing was no longer upon him.

2) In Genesis 15:1-6, Abraham prayed to GOD THE FATHER to give him a child from his waist and GOD THE FATHER said “I will give you the child.”  Abraham did not wait and accepted bad advice from Sarah, and bore a child with Hagar, named Ishmael who took what was left by Lot (Genesis 17:17-20). In this case, Abraham wouldn’t continue to be the source of blessing to all Nations!

3) In Genesis 15:8-15, GOD THE FATHER told Abraham to give offerings and Abraham did.  However, Abraham fell asleep which led to his descendants (the Church) go into captivity before they were born.  If it was not GOD THE FATHER to come Himself on Earth to redeem His Church, the seed of Abraham (Christians together with Muslims) would still be in captivity. This again outlawed Abraham to be source of blessing to all Nations.

4) In Genesis 17:1-7, we have a few things to ponder on Abraham, let’s start with the Father of all Nations.  As we have seen in the key, all Nations were to take blessings from Abraham, that is why the Third Supreme Voice of GOD THE FATHER passed through a Hebrew-Moses Exodus 3:10). 

The Fourth Supreme Voice of GOD THE FATHER also passed through an offspring of Abraham (1Kings 17:1; 18:30-33); and Fifth Supreme Voice of GOD THE FATHER also came out through Jesus who is a descendant of Abraham/David (Matthew 1:17; Acts 10:38).



1.  After the failure of the supreme voices through the above-mentioned Leader of Church Generations.  The Church lost her direction.  For this reason, GOD THE FATHER, brought in His Sixth Supreme Voice to renew the Church through Tanzania (2003).  After the Sixth Supreme Voice had come across unknowable animal (Daniel 7:7, 21); GOD THE FATHER decided to come Himself in 2015; (first through his Seventh Supreme Voice and later; Himself), so that the fall that happened (Daniel 7:22), shouldn’t happen again. 

This Seventh Supreme Voice in 2015 again came through Tanzania to confirm that, the Nation is now the source of blessing for all Nations instead of Israel.


2.  In Genesis 17:1-7 there is an issue of the Kings (that is living royal life) from Abraham.  Due to slavery of the descendant of Abraham during the stay in Egypt, even after the Exodus of the Church, it was not easy anymore for Abraham’s waist to bear those who live royal life.  This is evident in Daniel 2:44 that says “in the days of these kings …” meaning after the coming of GOD THE FATHER Himself it was therefore possible to get those whose lives are royal; as He had intended before.  This has also made Tanzania become Source of Blessing.

3.  Genesis 17:7-8 and Genesis 22:17-18 we read how Abraham’s descendants were given approval to possess the gate of the enemy!  This however was no longer possible, since the power to be a source of the blessing was already outlawed from Abraham. However, after the inclusion in THE CIRCLE OF GOD THE FATHER; Churchs’ Defense is now more than 100 percent.


We must admit now that timing regarding to Abraham being the source of blessing is over. It is GOD THE FATHER’S time and season.  Moses, who led the First Generation was Abraham’s Offspring (2000 years); Elijah the Tishbite led the Second Church’s Generation was Abraham’s Offspring (2000 years); Jesus led the Third Church’s Offspring (2000 years); Elijah The Second Adam led the Fourth Generation, and this last Generation has lasted for 14 years only.  Second Adam’s Generation was supposed to stay for a Millennium (Revelation 20:6) but Jesus has already said in Matthew 24:22 that if those days could not be shortened; not one could be saved.



Tanzania is the Source of the blessing of GOD THE FATHER.  There are many reasons to prove this point:


Times and Seasons of GOD THE FATHER

1,1,1,1 (which means the first day, first week, first month and first year); For the Fifth time; this occurred in Tanzania after the fulfillment of Daniel 12:12 in 2018; when the Church casted aside Son’s Altar.


That’s when the first year of Real Redeemer (Isiah 59:20) who came to Zion to those who dropped out the rebellion, started. For the Fourth Time it also occurred in Tanzania after the true map of the Church had started from the Second Adam on February 28, 2012 or 28 Adar, 2011.


At first, it occurred in Genesis 1:1 (when GOD THE FATHER created the heavens and the Earth); The second time; it occurred in Genesis 9-1 (after the flood of Noah); The third time; it occurred in Matthew 2:1 (When Jesus was born in the Middle East).

We know that GOD THE FATHER does nothing without its timing and season.  Since GOD THE FATHER’S times and seasons have been restored through Tanzania, it is obvious that the nation is His source.


Living on One Peak of Worship.

In all Nations under the sun it is in Tanzania where they began to ask GOD THE FATHER directly and not through the Son.  For we found the most unspeakable grace to know the timing of the fulfillment of 1Corinthians 15:24-28 as it is now.  Others thought that we despise the Son not knowing that it is GOD THE FATHER Himself who said that, after He has come on Earth; the Son Himself will be subjected to GOD THE FATHER that the Father may be all in all.  In various rites, we confess and repent that we are responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross, even if we did not exist 2,000 years ago.  This is a proof that we love Jesus above all. No denomination has ever repented like this. 

The Circle of GOD THE FATHER

This Circle is the one that has deleted the three Circles of the woman; serpent and war that existed in all generations in Revelation 12:1-9.  GOD THE FATHER stayed in heaven as He sent representatives on Earth.  The time arrived when he should no longer be represented but came Himself.  This was the beginning of the serpent that lived in the heart of every man, being a deadly serpent [Jeremiah 17:9-10], to be deleted completely.  Without GOD THE FATHER to come on Earth, it wouldn’t have been possible to delete a circle of serpent in all men.


Declaring boldly GOD THE FATHERS’ coming upon the Earth, it comes from the fact that 2000 years, as Jesus said in Matthew 24:22, days or years written in Revelation 20:6 have been shortened to become 14 years only.  These 14 years have been summarized as: 3.5 years of Moses1; Elijah the Tishbite 3.5 years; 3.5 years; of Jesus and 3.5 years of Second Adam.

13.5 years of Moses are from when he received the two timbers written by GOD THE FATHER until when he beats rock twice.  Theologians count 40 years recorded, but it is not the case.  One reading Luke13:6-9 and Revelation 11:2-3 will find that to every sent it was only 3.5 years.

It is a matter of logic; the circle of GOD THE FATHER has ended where it was conceived!


Father’s Salvation

This is the Salvation without Persecution, as it was the case in past times and seasons of the sent. FATHER’S Salvation has been mentioned for the first time in Tanzania due to the fact that from heaven (Psalm 98:1-2), GOD THE FATHER descended in this Nation. Now, GOD THE FATHER’S Salvation has started to spread in all surrounding Nations and others through television and You Tube.


In GOD THE FATHER’S Salvation, we have:  Salvation of Spirit, Soul and Heart (that is full Salvation, rather than the Salvation of Spirit alone which existed in all past times and seasons).  Where is the courage to pronounce GOD THE FATHER’S Salvation from Tanzania, (which has never been heard anywhere) if not GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF?


The Rulership of Peace.

Isiah 2:4 and Daniel 2:44 clearly writes that it is GOD THE FATHER Himself who will come to preside the Rulership of Peace.  However, theologians thought that is the Son (Jesus) who will come; thought Jesus entrusted the work to his Father in John 17 and John 14:28.  In these verses, Jesus admits that the Father is greater than He.  Thus, according to this service, we have good news from GOD THE FATHER, who has set up a Kingdom of Peace everywhere where there was a fierce battle.  A good example is between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East.  Another example is between North Korea and the United States.  Another example is Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) during their recent elections.  This ruler ship of peace has come from the supreme and voice that was heard in Tanzania (2015).


Reality of the New Testament

This is the New Testament without the statue of Nebuchadnezzar.  This reality of the new testament has started after the coming of GOD THE FATHER on Earth. If you read in the Book of the Voice of GOD THE FATHER, you will see the distribution of Books, deemed the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi. Moreover, it shows that the New Testament is Matthew to Revelation.  In fact, the New Testament, is defined in Hebrews 8:10-12; where it says that the New Testament is the period in which the whole community will have free forgiveness by GOD THE FATHER. Moreover, it shows that the New Testament is the time when the Beast that won the Church in all Generations will be absent; a lion; bears; leopards; unknowable animal and queen of heaven.


Further, in the period of New Testament the statue of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2:29-34) should be out.  GOD THE FATHER has done all these while in Tanzania. Organisers of the division of the Old Testament and the New Testament planed without looking for what GOD THE FATHER said in Hebrews 8:10-12.


GOD THE FATHER Descendants

This is more than the descendants of Abraham.  In the four previous generations, eternity was of Abraham!  In Luke 16:19-26; Voice of GOD THE FATHER shows that all who left the Earth were welcomed by Abraham not GOD THE FATHER!  For Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3, was assigned to be a source of blessing to all Nations while in Genesis 17:1-8 was assigned to be the Father of all Nations forever.  Thus, there is no leader of the generation (Moses, Elijah the Tishbite, Jesus and Second Adam) that has ever been above Abraham.


We read in Genesis 15:16 that Abraham was given to be god in the past four generations. Mosses; Elijah the Tishbite; Jesus and Elijah Last Adam were all from the waist of Abraham. The presence of GOD THE FATHER on the land, through Tanzania, has come up with his descendants.  This means Abraham is no longer the father of all Nations but GOD THE FATHER Himself, in Tanzania.


GOD THE FATHER’s Blood of Forgiveness

This is more than the blood which is written in Matthew 26:26-28.  This is the New Blood foretold by Jesus in Matthew 26:29, it is the Blood of GOD THE FATHER Himself that gives us His life to live forever without encountering storms.  This Blood has brought us: One Real Society; One Real Language; One Real expression; and One Real Nation instead of clans and tribes.  Another strong proof.


Church and State Working Together

The Church is responsible for cooperating with the community and give light upon Good News on GOD THE FATHER (Isiah 60:1-2).  This has never been exercised during the past times and seasons because at that time the center of teachings were four corners (that is, those who are in the building of worship alone).  Now is the circle of GOD THE FATHER, meaning the Church should serve all.

We have examples of projects that we have built and hand over to the Government for monitoring of their use by the Community.  That is the attitude of GOD THE FATHER, who have come on Earth.  The perception of the Son is to give support to the Community around but the Community must pay back later at least little money.  GOD THE FATHER is different as per Isaiah 60:1-2.


A Start Without Destruction.

This Station is before the evil spirits that were even over Cherub; who however later fell and was thrown to the ground, as ashes (Ezekiel 28:15-19). This Station is before Revelation 12:1. It is without destruction indeed.  At the Station, we live above all because it is the place where GOD THE FATHER had not yet thought to create anything.  Thus, damage caused by hypocrisy; false witness; evil; serpent; dust; etcetera is not there.  This Station is greater than anyone who ever lived in spirit.  We have crossed where destruction started (Revelation 12:1).


An Hour of Worship in Truth

Many scholars of the Book of the Voice of GOD THE FATHER, know John 4:23-24; but did not know when that will come to its fulfillment.  There are those who feel that perhaps it is after Jesus’s return.  They did not know that it is when GOD THE FATHER will have been arrived on Earth. 

This hour has come and its work now can be seen in Tanzania as well as in other few Countries that have accepted GOD THE FATHER.


GOD THE FATHER Must Reign (1Corinthians 15:25).

Each member in the Church has submitted him/herself to GOD THE FATHER without being forced by anyone.  Having entrusted everything to GOD THE FATHER, it means you are no longer the one living, but GOD THE FATHER.  This is the fullness of the Kingdom of GOD THE FATHER on Earth (Romans 14:17). This also has started in Tanzania.


Mountain of Pilgrimage/New Garden of GOD THE FATHER’S City (Kigoma)

The New Garden of GOD THE FARTHER’S City at the moment is in the Nation of Tanzania, instead of the one we were used to in Middle East.  The Supreme Voice that was heard by Moses was in the Middle East (Exodus 3:3-10).  The Supreme Voice that was heard by Elijah the Tishbite was in the Middle East (1Kings 18:30-33).  


Also the Supreme Voice that was heard in the third generation, because of Matthew 1:17, was in Middle East             (Acts 10:38).  The Sixth Supreme Voice of GOD THE FATHER that was heard by Elijah the Second Adam was in Kigoma, Tanzania (2003).  Furthermore, the Seventh Supreme Voice of GOD THE FATHER heard by Elisha Elijah Miaka 1000 was in Kigoma, Tanzania 12 Ethanim, 4 (2015).  Finally, GOD THE FATHER has come Himself, after those seven seasons are completed.  Pilgrim was first held on 26 Thebet, 1 (24 June, 2018) and the second on 26 Thebet,1 (26 May 2019) successfully proving that this is indeed GOD THE FATHER Pilgrimage.  Descendants of GOD THE FATHER from all regions of Tanzania and Nations that have accepted Supreme Voice heard in Kigoma in 2003 and 2015, attended. 

Proving that it was a Pilgrimage of GOD THE FATHER.  We went back and forth all safe without problem on which the pilgrimage of the Son is not the case.



This is more than the heart of Ezekiel 36:26. No one was aware that Jeremiah 17:9-10 refers to the serpent in the center of the depth of the heart of each one.  Wicked who were accustomed to seizing others knew this so as they can continue persecuting the Church and the Nation as well.  For the great love of GOD, THE FATHER, who came on Earth has taken out of each descendant’s heart the serpent and we are now living happily.  GOD THE FATHER after seeing Wicked are accustomed to his heart, he decided to come up with new heart which is not known to anybody.


Throne of GOD THE FATHER restored

Since the fall of cherub; Throne of GOD THE FATHER (principality, authority, rule and power) in the Garden of Aden and Eden was taken out of his hands. When GOD THE FATHER created the Garden of Aden (Ezekiel 28:13-15); He instructed cherub, however evil spirits that were above Cherub, entered Cherub and sat on the throne on which GOD THE FATHER was supposed to seat. Cherub was casted out already as he was now the devil.  GOD THE FATHER made another era in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8-15) with everything, but the serpent subtler than any animal deceived Adam. 


The throne of GOD THE FATHER became again in the hands of the serpent.  The serpent this time killed Abel, in order to institute the world by Holly Blood (Hebrews 12:24).  This blood of Abel had not been restored by anybody. GOD THE FATHER wanted to reclaim his throne by the blood of Jesus, but the serpent (Matthew 27:45-47) stole Jesus’s blood on the cross!  In this case it was necessary for GOD THE FATHER Himself to come on the land otherwise it would have not been possible the throne to be restored.


This issue of the principality, authority, rule and power of GOD THE FATHER to be restored in His hands is the greatest of all.  This also has happened in Tanzania.  Now everyone before going to work should first go to Church (Job 38:12; Job 1:5).

New Heaven and The New Earth

In Isaiah 65:17, the Voice of GOD THE FATHER says that in this time former things have come to an end. In 2 Peter 3:10-13, the Voice of GOD THE FATHER continues to explain that it is where righteousness dwells.  In addition, all functions in society are excuted by GOD THE FATHER Himself.  If you go to every Office, even those who do not know GOD THE FATHER you find him there!  This is the fulfillment of Daniel 2:44. This again has started in Tanzania!


Heaven of Supreme Voice of GOD THE FATHER

  • It was not easy to enter into the Heaven of Supreme Voice, the place where GOD THE FATHER lives.  He was there before any other soul was present.  Before getting there, there were seven bowls (Revelation 21:9); which hindered everyone to reach this station in spirit.

  • Living here, it means you have crossed:

+    The (Ezekiel 47:5);

+    Mountain of origin (i.e. crossing the realism of Revelation 12:1-9)

+    The god of this world in 2Corinthians 4:4-5 (whose job it is to blind the minds of many).  

Then the Heaven of Supreme Voice opens for you.  

In short, in the past seven heavens, we were used to familiar knowledge which can be obtained in Schools and Colleges.  But in this Heaven of Supreme Voice, you should only hear from GOD THE FATHER.  Formerly saints were not allowed to invent anything new.  But now since whatever we do is from GOD THE FATHER, who dwells in His Supreme Voice, it is easy to discover new things.


New Church Highway; Worship through Production

We now worship through production as per Genesis 2:15. One reading the whole scripture of Genesis, finds no Houses of Worship. GOD THE FATHER would talk to Adam, Abel, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph while producing. This is what we read in the whole Book of Genesis. However, Apostles and prophets did not allow this to go on, instead they established Houses of Worship.  This station of worship through production was hidden beyond the Book of Revelation, which means the station was where GOD THE FATHER dwells.  The station of worship through production is beyond unbridgeable river of Ezekiel 47:5. We give thanks to GOD THE FATHER as He has done this while in Tanzania. Now we come in the Church with produce to celebrate due to abundance GOD THE FATHER has given us.



If it is not GOD THE FATHER Himself came on Earth, the world had already taken this position of Tanzania and it was impossible to bring it back again.

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